By Aria Tercek
I pushed through the snow and walked. Even with my friends all together it still didn’t feel the same. Corona was raging all through the land, it tore apart families and their plans.
We walked, laughed, and sang.
We all were thankful that 2020 was almost gone. I was happy too, so happy I felt like singing also! The world could start again new and fresh as if after a clean bath. We knew our troubles weren’t over, no, not yet! But to start fresh and new would be nice, no doubt about that.

I loved Pine Creek. It was a nice place to play but I could also think my thoughts. The world felt alive more then ever before and I shouted, “almost there”! And we all walked faster and faster, up, up, up! We left the path and then we were there. We started to climb. We climbed up the water fall for it was frozen. The air was crisp and cold, like biting into a fresh apple. Then the parents arrived and called us by name.
We called, “just a minute!” They said “sure!”
When we were ready, we came back and ate. Oh, how good the food tasted. I tried my hot chocolate but alas it was cold. Then we ran back and started to play. We ran and slipped all having the time of our lives, and we laughed and played. And I thought I am so grateful to be in this moment.