By Cooper Haddick
My name is Cooper and I have enjoyed going to state parks and national parks for as long as I can remember. From Glacier to Yellowstone I have always loved Montana national parks and public lands. Before this year I really didn’t recognize that they were such a big part of my life.
My family enjoys all kinds of outdoor activities from camping on Canyon Ferry Lake to hiking in Glacier and Yellowstone. Some of my favorite things to do include hiking, biking and swimming. There really hasn’t been a lot of time to do those things. Recently as things like Montana public lands start to reopen I am enjoying these activities much more than before when I just took them for granted. Public lands are such a big part of Montana. Without them Montana would not be the same.
For years and for as long as I can remember every summer my family would go up to Glacier National Park. And we would hike, bike and swim. Some nights my Mom and I would go down to the beach and watch the sunset. That was really fun. I am looking forward to doing it again this summer. Because we didn’t do it last summer. Those nights were the best part of the trip for me I have missed them a lot and now that things are reopening I will be looking forward to camping and watching the sunsets again.
Earlier this year I caught some of my first fish in West Yellowstone. First in Hebgen Lake, then in the Firehole river and then finally on the Madison river with my grandpa on a float trip. I caught 3 chub, 5 rainbow trout, 6 mountain whitefish, and 2 brown trout. Even in the middle of a global pandemic good things can still happen, like catching your first fish after years of trying!

This year has been hard, but every time we go out to a national park or public land we enjoy them very much. Especially this last year when we have been stuck inside so much, public land has been a place so important to me and Montana.