Life for me has not always been easy; in fact, it has been far from it. For many people, however, this past year has been incredibly difficult. Life seems to throw a lot of curveballs, but none as unique as 2020. When looking to escape daily living, it seems many of us head to public lands.
Ever since I was a little girl and lived through things no one should ever have to, I have found respite in nature. When journeying to the mountains and taking in the majesty of God’s glorious landscapes and wildlife, I dreamt of a better future. Watching the sunrises and sunsets in our beautiful Montana skies gave me hope for a life of happiness. The peaceful tranquility of nature has always seemed to melt away life’s stressors, fears, and the demands of daily living.
I am pleased to say that I am living a much happier life as an adult. Even so, I still find that I yearn to be in the mountains. My family and I have enjoyed the great outdoors for many years and will continue to do so. We utilize public lands to camp, hike, fish, hunt, ride our horses, sled, and ride our side-by-side. In doing so, we have created many amazing memories! Spending time around evening campfires, entranced by the flames dancing around the logs collected earlier in the day, allows us uninterrupted time to share our thoughts and dreams with one another. We laugh as we dance to music around the fire. We love riding on trails to explore our surroundings. Watching my family proudly reel in fish and have successful hunts is priceless. There is serenity in seeing my family finding happiness in the simplicity of Mother Nature. In these moments everything seems to be right with the world. Our souls are at peace. It seems nature provides harmony…within itself and within my being.

When difficulties come my way, if I need a break from life’s routines, or when I want to simply have fun, the mountains call me. The fresh air rejuvenates my soul, while the sound of a babbling creek nearby provides peace. The mirrored reflection of the mountains on a lake captivates and reminds me of all the exquisiteness in the world. Gazing at the shimmering stars in the nighttime sky reminds me that the world is an amazing and beautiful place; one just needs to know where to look. The magnificence of my surroundings is awe-inspiring and comforting. This is where I find myself again. This is where I find my hope for a better tomorrow. This is where I find my inspiration to keep working for my goals and dreams. Public lands are where I find all the good things that I can’t seem to find elsewhere; they are full of treasures for the heart, mind, and soul.